Our Theory of Change
IF we equip parents with tools to support their child’s learning at home using the transformative power of technology,
AND use data science to engage, inform, and build evidence,
THEN we can make measurable changes to impact children’s learning outcomes and inform policy and programs.
Our Partners
Our work is made possible by a network of dedicated partners who share our vision of transforming education in India. From NGOs to corporate allies, each partner plays a vital role in our mission.

Our Advisors
We are supported by experts in education, technology, and social impact. Our advisors help us create strategies that are not only effective but also sustainable for long-term change.
Our People
The Top Parent team is driven by a shared vision: to make education equitable and impactful for every child.
From educators to tech innovators, our team believes in the power of learning to shape a better future.

Every child in India should have access to high quality early learning resources.

To leverage the power of technology and parental engagement to foster early childhood education in low-income families across India.

Reaching 5M families in need by 2026-27 with demonstrated impact on learning outcomes.